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Alcoholism Affects the Lives of All Family Members & Divorce may be the Best Option 

Divorce Due to Alcoholism can be in the Best Interests of the Family

Alcoholism doesn’t just affect the lives of alcoholics: their family members, significant others, and children can be directly and indirectly affected by their loved one’s physical dependence on alcohol. Over time, alcoholism can lead to the deterioration of a marriage. Many couples struggle together to overcome the destructive effects of alcoholism for one or both spouses, but sometimes it reaches a point where divorce is in the interests of both spouses.

The physical effects of alcoholism can lead to emotional and financial strains for a married couple and any children. Alcoholics stand a much higher risk of death from numerous diseases, including many often-fatal conditions. These conditions can affect the heart, liver, nervous system, and kidneys, leading to medical bills, time lost at work, and emotional distress for spouses and children.

There are multiple programs available for helping alcoholics, including ones designed for people who have made several attempts at ending their dependency on alcohol. Overcoming any physical dependency on a substance is difficult-including alcohol and nicotine, which can be as addictive as heroin and cocaine. But with the help of these programs, recovery is more than possible.

If alcoholism is placing great strains on your marriage, treatment programs can start you or your spouse on the road to recovery and can prevent your marriage from ending. Even with the help of a treatment program, however, many couples find it best to separate or divorce while one or both spouses pursue treatment.

Contact Our Family Law Divorce Attorneys

The compassionate Oceanside family law lawyers of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP have spent their careers helping countless couples part ways peacefully. By working with an experienced family law lawyer, you can ease the process of getting divorced and get on with your life as quickly as possible. To discuss your case with a lawyer, contact Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP today at (760) 621-7101.